Monday, July 19, 2010


Today was a good day for little man. The only problem he had was the IV that was in his head (I know it sounds crazy, but they could not get a vein in his arms or legs so they will use the veins in the head) got infiltrated and it caused him to have swelling in his eye and side of face. I freaked out and yes a little angry. He is OK and will be just fine. They were able to replace his IV. I was holding him during our kangaroo care and he coughed. It was funny because I could only think of the scene from the movie Zoolander where he says "I think I'm getting the black lung Pop (and gives a little cough" that is exactly what Gabriel's cough sounded like. It was so funny! Our little guy is so amazing and I cannot wait for him to come home.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't wait to see his "Blue Steel".