Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Day

Well today my son was one month old (actually he is 29 weeks and 5 days, with preemies you use their adjusted age) and he looks so different already. When he was first born he looked like Manuel and now he looks like me. I really wanted him to have his Daddy's nose, since that is the feature I like most, but it looks like he is stuck with mine. When I was holding him today he had his face down against my chest and decided he would see if he could get something out of it. He still needs time to learn that what he is looking for is a little south of where he was. He had a hard time today because he did not have any visitors until late in the afternoon. He usually gets His grandpa in the morning, then Daddy in the afternoon, and Mommy in the evening (Grandma Angel will come anytime in the day) so he has come to expect someone there. His nurse Sue had to sit and hold his head and let him hold her finger for about thirty minutes just to calm him down, Manuel and I felt horrible that he had to go through that. Someone forgot Grandpa had to go to the ranch and we were not able to plan for this. He is definitely getting spoiled with the attention, I am in so much trouble. He did weigh in at 2 pounds and 4 ounces and his swelling has gone down (he has a heart murmur that has been causing problems with swelling. So we are so happy about that. I have to say that his nurses are really great to him and us and that makes this situation a lot easier. Thanks Methodist NICU!

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