Monday, July 11, 2011

Developmental Clinic

Gabriel had his second appointment with Dr. Fiero at the developmental clinic last week. Everything went good and they are happy with his progress. His fine motor skills and responsiveness (or his understanding and reacting) is about 12 to 13 months, everything else is pretty much aligned with his adjusted age. He needs to work on his speech, we are not getting enough consonant sounds. When Fiero asked me what sounds he is making and all I could think of were the g's and b's, and of course as soon as we left he starts talking up a storm. God forbid he throw mom a bone and do it when it needs to be done. It was a really long appointment, it lasted 5 hours. Manuel was there long enough to see him get weighed and measured. He was not happy that it took 2 hours to do that. He had to go to work early because he had reserves so he missed out on the whole thing. It was nice to see every one again. We missed Rosa the dietician last time and I love that she cares so much about Gabriel.

He weighed in at 15 lbs and measured 25 inches. Every doctor measures him differently. He was 26in at his 12 months appointment with Dr Lantry. Who knows. He is doing good with his crawling and like a champ showed off what he had just learned. His feet are turned out a little, so he needs to work on his hip strength. The physical therapist and occupational therapist said not to carry him on our hips, and to get some hip helpers (I think that's what they are called). They are basically bike shorts sewn together to keep his hips in and the fabric is stretchy so he can get some resistance when he tries to move his legs. They said I could try putting both his legs through one leg of pantyhose. I am still debating that one. Dr. Fiero is confident that he will be walking soon and will probably be discharged after his next visit. He also said that Gabriel is very intelligent and that made my day.

We are working on changing his diet a little. Since he is 3 months away from being off the breast milk, we are incorporating a feeding schedule and more spoon feeding. He loves to feed  himself, to bad not much makes it in his mouth. We had to change his bottles because Madela does not make a fast flow nipple and his milk is too thick since he needs a thickener. It has never been easy to feed this kid.

He is a lot of fun and keeps us busy now that he is mobile. He is already testing the limits. He gets into stuff and we tell him "no" or "put it down" and he will, and then picks it back up, and then we go back in forth a few times. We either have to go get him or he will crawl away crying. He has also developed the habit of when he is mad or not getting his way, he puts his head down, keeps his arm at his side like limp noodles, and will ignore me. He is a handful and a half.
Flirting with the Women at the doctors office as they walk by

I think it is time for the baby gates

Trying to get Daddy's TV

Playing with Jaelynn

Caught him and grandpa napping

Tearing up my magazine

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sea World

Gabriel went to Sea World for the first time on Sunday. My bother Thomas, his wife Nancy, and Tommy and Ryan came to stay the night here and convinced us to go. I am so happy that we did. Gabriel had a great time watching Shamu and all the things in the show. He was not so excited about being the water. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have fireworks. Surprisingly it was not as hot as I thought it would be. I was able to take him om the carousel and he had a good time. I was nervous. I want to go again so he can ride more of the rides. Gabriel needs to learn some social etiquette. He kept grabbing the ladies in front of us, and at one point tried to get one of them to hold him. My crazy baby.

It was really nice to see him play with his cousins. We don't get to hang out much, but the boys really get along. All of Gabriel's cousins are really good to him. They play well with each other and share the toys. the older ones are really careful with him. When they get bigger it may not be so easy. Today he spent time with his cousin Isabella. He was so good with her. He needs to learn to be gentle with babies. He will just go up to her and watch her. he is very fascinated with the baby. he was not happy about sharing his Mommy with another baby. I think we might have some issues if we have another baby.

The last couple days Miriam, Mellie, and Isabella have been here visiting. It has been nice to see Gabriel playing with his cousin. I really want them to be close like I am with mine. He has been very intrested in her. He watches her, he stops what he is doing to check on her when she cries, and has also taken her pacifier. All this time this little boy would not use a pacifier and now he wants one. Oh vey!

He has been crawling for several days now. His Physical Therapist has removed his no standing ban. He only allowed to stand when he does it himself. He is into everything now. All I wanted was for him to progress and now I want him to go back to where he just lay there. That boy is too fast for me. He has his appointment with the developmental pediatrician tomorrow so we will see how he is doing. Next week he will be reevaluated to see what services he still needs.
I look like I am 12 again in this pic.

He tried to get in the water.

Riding the carousel

Playing with his toy from Sea World. He loves the lights.

Waiting to get in the water with Daddy

He was not having the water.

He was much happier just hanging with Daddy

He was enjoying the Shamu show

He tears up and gets into everything

Checking out baby Isabella

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting Bigger

Gabriel had his 1 year old appointment last week and he weighed in at 15lbs 7 oz, 26 inches long, and a head circumference of 17 inches. He is growing slowly but surely. He is still working on the crawling and bless his little heart he wants to walk so bad. He tries to stand up, but just doesn't have the upper body strength to to do. We are having to be more aware of what he is doing and where he is. I have been working on getting this place cleaned up. His toys just keep ending up thrown all over the place.

Gabriel has started to make a game of chase while getting his diaper changed. He is rolling all around and doing his commando crawl to get away away from me with a bare bottom. It is so adorable. I am especially loving it when he is on my lap and I ask for a kiss he pulls himself up and plants a huge one on me. He isn't always in a sharing mood though. I guess I have to earn it first.

 We have started to let him cry it out on the advice of his therapist. I started on Wednesday night by reading to him from his bible and a couple of other books, saying our prayers, and then putting him in the crib. He cried for 30 minutes off and on the first night, 10 minutes the second, 5 minutes the third, and finally tonight he only gave a few cries tonight. I think I got lucky tonight because he was really exhausted. We went shopping for phones with daddy and then he and I went to Tuesday Morning. Then Mellie and Eduardo came by and played with him, took us on a walk with them and the dogs, gave him a bath, and then played some more. I was wiped too.

He does love all the gifts he got for his birthday. I already have the songs from two of the toys stuck in my head. He is a very lucky little boy to have such good and caring people in his life. Every day seems to be an adventure with him. I know there was more to talk about, but now I can't remember because Manuel started to talk to me. If you know me, you would not be surprised that I lost my train of thought.

Trying out hats while Bday party shopping

Hanging with grandpa at Cracker Barrell

Why spend money on toys when he is happy with a water bottle

I went to answer my phone and this is what I found when I came back

Eating lasagne
Daddy was happy to see this

Standing up when he is not supposed to. This is his she caught me face.

Me and daddy

I think he realized what he is wearing

Playing with his learning ball, which he loves by the way

We had to lower his beds

He is amazed that this dog says his name

Take that Dale!

He always has this with him

He is making a run for it

Trying to get away

Waiting for Tia Mellie to give him his bath
He was moving to the Zumba music