Thursday, December 22, 2011

Making Milestones

Gabriel is now 18 months and growing finally growing and we are so happy about it. He went in for his check up and he is 17 lbs 11 oz and 28.5 inches. The doctor said that his teeth are the that of a nine month old, but it is ok because they just barely started to come in. He finally has six teeth and counting. Gabriel's head is in the 20th percentile and the rest of him is under the 5th percentile. His doctors have put him on a failure to thrive diet to help him catch up on his growth. He basically gets to eat anything he wants and is willing to eat on top of a mixture of pediasure and carnation instant breakfast. I am trying to set defined snack times and mealtimes so that once he does catch up we do not have problems later. 

He did have an endoscopy/flexsigmoidoscopy done and we found out he is lactose intolerant and still does have problems with his reflux. He is seeing a GI specialist to monitor him for all that stuff. He has also been put on medicines for asthma. His pulmonologist says he should only need the asthma meds during the winter months unless he shows signs that he needs them longer. We have been following the same rules from last year for RSV have have not taken him to many places and he has not gotten sick. We are blessed with great family and friends who help watch him when we need to go to the store or have errands to run. 

He started walking on black Friday. We were so excited when he finally decided he was ready. It was cute because he did it all on his own. He did not want help from anyone. He is very independent and stubborn. He is already running around and trying to chase you. His Occupational Therapist has suggested that we put him in Gyboree or some type of tumbling once he is two because he love to climb, jump, and play so much. She says that he is already showing that he would be really good at that. His teacher that comes once a week says he likes rough play and we have to watch out for him because he loves to be high up, swing fast, and really rough play. Basically he is an adrenaline junky and a typical boy. 

 He started feeding himself with a fork and spoon which makes for a very messy and frustrating meal time. He takes forever to eat. If you try to let him hold a utensil and feed him he either tries to sword fight with you or he takes the food off your utensil with his and then eats it. 

He has definitely been growing and changing very fast and keeping us busy. This last semester turned out to be very tough on us with my schedule and the next one looks like it will be even worse. I am almost done and could not be more excited. We have been keeping ourselves busy with the wedding of my sister Sarah. It was so much fun and very beautiful. A little cold for me, of course I got sick.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trying to Keep Up

Well it is that time of year for me again I have gotten sick again. I have broken down and made a doctor appointment for tomorrow because I have a class, and I am missing a day of my internship tomorrow. I am not sure if I mentioned it in my last post, but Gabriel not has two teeth and two more on their way out. Next week he will have an Endoscopy done, and hopefully his last procedure, to check and see if there is any damage from the reflux. He has been doing a lot of freestanding. When he does try to stand up it seems like he wants to take a step, but he just lunges forward and falls down. We are almost there.

Hanging with Mellie at the Disney store

This is what Grandpa Angel teaches him

He loves quesadillas

He picked his pumpkin

First pumpkin patch

He would not settle down at the doctor's office

Playing with his cousin Noah

The first thing he did when we got home from Spring

Where there is a will there is a way

All bundled up for the first cool day

His first arts and crafts project with his OT and Daddy

Playing with Daddy's baby toys

Watching Toy Story

Getting ready for a night out with Grandma and Grandpa Angel

We are letting him feed himself

Watching Jeopardy with Grandpa
Eating Grandpa's peach

Wearing Daddy's old pajama's

Where did all the Jello go?

First tooth