Friday, December 31, 2010

Wrapping it up

Well it is the end of the year, and it has been such a hard one.I went from starting off with a party and I am going to close with a quite evening at home as a mommy. I have finally grown up and it's not that bad. I think we deserve a pass for next year, only good things can happen.

Gabriel has really come a long way, he was born early and now look at him. I think back to the first days he was here, he had see through skin, no nipples (I can't get over that), he could be held with one hand, and not able to breathe on his own. Today he is playing with toys, laughing, trying to sit up, and wiggling like a worm.

On Wednesday I had such a hard time feeding Gabriel, he kept knocking the bottle out of his mouth and pushing it. After four feedings like this and him only eating 2oz each feeding, I couldn't keep fighting to get him to eat, I decided just to let him play with the bottle and do what he wanted. Gabriel surprised me and I had to laugh a little, he wanted to feed himself. i remembered when Sarah had this problem with Sebastian, and of course this is what it was. he tried to hold his bottle and put it in his mouth all by himself. Poor little guy just doesn't have the strength or control to do, but he sure tried.

Yesterday we were in the car on our way home and I heard a crunching. When I was at a stop light I checked him and he was playing with his peacock toy that hangs from his car seat. I put him on his tummy time mat and he started tapping the toys and watching when they would move to his touch. I was amazing to see. I was so happy when we were learning to use the steering wheel toy. I would use his hand to honk the horn and move the steering wheel, he would watch and wouldn't you know he copied me. He then started to move the shifter, and honk the horn, and move the wheel. I was beyond excited to see him learning cause and effect. He does still need to develop his motor skills and control over his body, but as a mom this is big.

My big little boy has also started to hold his torso and head up when you are holding him. When he is on his tummy, he just hold his head up, but he sure is changing fast. beware when you are holding him, because he has started flying forward with his body. In time he will be able to control himself better, but until protect yourself. The last few days have been big days for Gabriel. I am excited to see his development in this next year.

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