Saturday, January 29, 2011

Almost There

We had a Pedi appointment a couple weeks ago, and he weighs 11lbs 6 oz. and 22 inches. He is almost ready to start cereal. Dr. Lantry, would like him gain 1 or 2 more pounds before we start. He 4 moths adjusted now and 7 months chronologically. I may have jumped the gun and bought the cereal, mommy is ready for that next step. The sooner we start the sooner I get to not pumping. My big boy has started to breastfeed. It is hard right now because I am sick and cannot feed him, so he is getting confused.

Buela came to stay for three days while Daddy was out of town for the week in Memphis. Gabriel had so much fun. She is so good with him and keeps him entertained. Manuel went through our phone messages when he got home and every time Buela talked Gabriel reached his hand out and talked. I love that he loves her so much.

He is getting so big, and more playful. It is getting harder for to have time for myself. I don't know it it was a good idea to go back to school or not. I am happy i did, it is a nice distraction, except that I am taking a Lifespan development class where i have to raise a baby from birth to 18 years old.Well at least this baby will not spit up all over me.

Buela was giving Gabriel massages and he was eating it up. He did not complain once.

 When Buela went to get Gabriel after his nap, she found him like this. he somehow got his leg out of his outfit.
 Gabriel has gone from being walked around the house, to being strolled around the house by grandpa. Their relationship is so cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, he's getting sooo big and still super adorable! Looks like he's doing great!