Monday, January 3, 2011

New year, new things

New years was great. We stayed home and watched the fireworks that were being popped around us. The only good thing about living right by 1604 is that you can see the fireworks from all the people outside of the city limits. We took Gabriel outside so he could see them, he just smiled and had his eyes open real wide. If he could talk he would have said oooh and awwww.

He is so funny when he sleeps, he laughs so much. We keep trying to catch it on video, but we haven't been able to. He went to see his lung doctor today and weighed in at 10lbs 9 oz. I was so happy, but it was just the beginning for today. I was playing with him while on the phone with ATT support when all of a sudden I see him pull himself up and sit. I was able to get some pics and a small video. The video is dark because the light was off. he didn't sit up long and was really wobbly, but we are going to work on it. We went upstairs to his room and tried to use the Tiger jumper the Sarah gave him, and he had a ball. He tried it last night and did not like it, I figured I would try again and see what happens. He had such a good time once he realized that he could jump and turn around in a circle on his own. He jumped like he was a river dancer while in it and for about 5 minutes afterward. he is technically not supposed to use the jumper for another two weeks, but I knew he would like and I figure what the heck. After all the fun he fell asleep with no problem.

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