Monday, January 17, 2011


Gabriel has gotten spoiled by Grandpa. Every time when Grandpa comes over he walks him around the house. The only problem is that he  expects to do that everyday, several times a day. He loves everyone right now, I know it's a matter of time before he starts to get choosy. The last few weekends Manuel has been taking care of him, and I have to say it is nice when he only calms down when Mommy holds him. I love that he loves me so much, he is also in love with Daddy. He will laugh and smile the minute Manuel walks in the room, and is always keeping an eye on the stairs waiting for Daddy to come down in the mornings. 

He has started sleeping in his crib in his room like a big boy. Luckily he loves his mobile and the turtle light that Shelly got him, the light puts moons and stars all over the room. We have a bedtime of 9pm, I would like it to be earlier, but hey baby steps. When I take him into his room he looks at his turtle like something is missing. Some nights are harder than others, but I am so proud of him. We put on his turtle light, the sound spa w/the projector and lullabies, and let his mobile turn and he will be out for 5 - 7 hours. It is nice to have some sort of routine now.

We went for another follow up with the eye doctor and his eyes have cleared up. He is very happy with his progress, but is sending him to a Pediatric Ophthalmologist to check his muscles (to make sure he will not be cross eyed) and to check his vision. Apparently they can tell if he will need glasses already. I think it would look so cute for him to have little glasses. I had glasses when I was real young, I think about 5 years old, but I was not very responsible with them. I had gone through three pairs when my Dad finally said I would have to work it out on my own (I can see how he would not want to spend money on another pair, if I couldn't take care of them) and I did. I will have to remember that with Gabriel if he does get them. I have learned to have a lot of patience.

We have a Pediatrician appointment on Thursday and I cannot wait to see how much he has grown. He has grown out of so many clothes already. He will get his last roung of the Flu vaccine, and the doctor said we are allowed to take him to a restaurant. I cannot wait, we have plans to meet up with another family from the NICU. I am so tired of being stuck in the house and I know Gabriel is too, he has started to stare out the window wondering what everything is. Soon he will be a free man.

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