Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baby's first Christmas

It's been a while since I have put an update, but a certain someone doesn't let me use the computer. We went to the pediatrician on the 20th and he weighed 9lbs 10oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. He has come so far. It was nice because his Grandma Angel went with us to the doctor and she helped me with him a lot. He also saw the eye doctor and he said that there is still blood in his eyes, but it is healing good. We don't have to go back for another month. I am sure Gabriel will appreciate the break in the horrific exams.

We finally made it to Spring to see Sarah, Derek, and the boys for Christmas. It was such a great visit. Noah, a.k.a. "The Hamburgler", kept trying to steal Gabriel's pacifiers and bottle. He eventually got one of his bottles in his mouth, but I stopped him before he could drink. Luckily Gabriel was done eating and there wasn't much left in the bottle. The boys were so good with him, they would hold his bottle to help feed him. Sebastian would get after me when he was crying, and Noah gave him a constant flow of kisses. They are gonna be so protective of each other. Gabriel did make out like a bandit in Christmas gifts, he got some really great toys. I have to make a very special mention to Aunt Veronica who got him the Sophie the Giraffe teething toy. I am so in love with it.

Gabriel is no longer wearing newborn clothes and is wearing 0-3 months now. He looked like he was not able to stretch out his legs, and one of the onsies I put on him was too short to snap, so we made the move. he has also started to talk and laugh a lot. He loves to jump on you lap, and is starting to sit in his bebe pod. He is getting better head control and is all over the place. Manuel and I are working on the constant holding, we just love to hold him. it is time for me to start getting this house in order and I cannot do that with him in my arms. I have been so lucky to have my cousin Mellie, she has been watching Gabriel a lot so I can get stuff done and run errands. I am so lucky to have the family I do.

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