Well today would have been my due date had things been normal. My little man is doing good, he is now in the intermediate care room and out of the main intensive care unit. It is not the best place in the world. We were in a nice area with plenty of room for us and his things, now there is barely enough room for the chair for us to sit in. I would compare this transition to moving from Malibu to East L.A.
He has passed his hearing test and I could not be more thrilled and his eyes are healthy now. He had started off with some problems, but they have since been resolved. We are off the oxygen, no feeding tube, and he had his central line removed. He is flying solo and is doing well. We would prefer to be home, but hopefully in a few weeks. We thought we might be home this week, but he still needs time. So we will let you know how it goes...
love you guys so much. i can't wait to meet the little guy.
He has overcome so much in the time he wasn't supposed to be here. I'm blessed for knowing him and you all. He will be home in no time and the NICU will be just a memory. You will have friends forever though because of it. We all hope and pray that he has a healthy and happy life.
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